Exploring Seamless Integration: Jakarta Data and Jakarta Persistence in Jakarta EE 11 With Open Liberty

In the ever-evolving landscape of enterprise Java, the seamless interaction between various specifications plays a pivotal role in shaping the architecture of modern applications. One such integration that garnered significant attention is between Jakarta Data and Jakarta Persistence, the latest evolution of the former Java Persistence API (JPA). The integration of Jakarta Data and Jakarta Persistence brings forth a unified approach to handling data, making application development more efficient, flexible, and aligned with the demands of contemporary software design.

In this article, we embark on a journey to delve into the intricacies of integrating Jakarta Data and Jakarta Persistence within the Jakarta EE 11 framework. We’ll explore how this integration is a foundation for developing robust and scalable applications. To illustrate the concepts in action, we’ll leverage Open Liberty, an open-source application server that supports the latest Jakarta EE specifications.
