End-To-End Automated Testing of a Home Robot Using April Tags

In my previous article, I gave an overview of robotics software design, and what are the different approaches to testing we could do, and how we can approach testing at different layers. In this article, I will explain how to perform E2E automated testing for a home robot. 

Challenges in End-To-End Automation

Challenges in robotic automation are plenty. The complexity of the software stack itself makes this type of automation super challenging. Testing could be done at any different layer, starting from the front end all the way to the low layer. End-to-end becomes difficult as it introduces a newer challenge with respect to the 3D space. Testing within a 3D space involving real home features is challenging too. Top of all, there are no specific tools and technology available to automate the testing process. This is a space that requires an immense understanding of the problem and great expertise in solving this challenge. Don't worry. I will share my experience here to help you understand and provide an overview of how things could be done.
