Introduction to Software Testing of Home/Industry Robots

In this article, I aim to debunk how to approach the testing of robotics software. Robotics involves intricate microprocessors, embedded systems, and diverse software stacks. Software quality engineers play a crucial role in testing these intricate software components to ensure seamless functionality and performance. I will explore the different software stacks utilized in robotics and shed light on the essential testing methodologies used by software quality engineers in this dynamic and evolving field.

Robotics Software Design

In the world of robotics, the key items in software design are hardware, microprocessors, embedded systems, sensors, and software. The software piece is heavily reliant on the performances of all the above components. To elaborate more on the software design, it can comprise so many things starting from the low-level platform and kernel design to middleware layers to the more user-facing app layers. Understanding these layers is super critical to write a test automation design for these components.