How to Easily Add Smart App Banners in WordPress

Do you want to add smart app banners in WordPress?

Smart banners are an easy way to promote your mobile app and get visitors to download it. If an iOS user already has your app, then the banner will encourage them to open the app for a better user experience.

In this article, we will show you how to add smart app banners to WordPress.

How to add smart app banners in WordPress (easy)

Why Add Smart App Banners in WordPress?

Many website owners create a companion mobile app where visitors can browse their content in a way that’s optimized for mobile.

Since these apps are designed for mobile devices, they often provide a better user experience. You can also show reminders, personalized content, offers, updates, and more using mobile push notifications. All of this means more engagement, conversions, and sales.

If you don’t already have a mobile app, then you can see our complete guide on how to convert a WordPress website into a mobile app.

You can encourage iPhone and iPad users to download your mobile app using a smart app banner. This is a banner that appears at the top of the screen when an iOS user visits your site using the Safari browser.

An example of a smart app banner on a WordPress website

Visitors can click the banner to download your app from the App Store. If the visitor already has your app, then the banner will ask them to open the app instead. In this way, you can get more downloads and engagement.

If the visitor is using a non-Apple device or a different web browser, then WordPress will hide the banner from them automatically.

For example, the following image shows the same website in the Chrome mobile browser.

A hidden smart app banner.

With that being said, let’s see how you can add smart app banners in WordPress. Simply use the quick links below to jump straight to the method you want to use:

Method 1: Using WPCode (Show a Smart App Banner Across WordPress)

The easiest way to add smart app banners to your WordPress website is by using WPCode. This free plugin allows you to show the same banner on every page and post using one line of code.

With that in mind, WPCode is the perfect choice if you want to promote a single iOS application. However, if you want to show different banners on different pages, then we recommend using method 2 instead.

When adding custom code to WordPress, some guides will ask you to edit your site’s functions.php file. We don’t recommend this, as even a small typo or mistake could cause common WordPress errors or even make your site inaccessible.

By using WPCode, you can add custom code to WordPress without any risks. You can also enable and disable code snippets with the click of a button.

First, you need to install and activate the free WPCode plugin. For more instructions, please see our beginners’ guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, head over to Code Snippets » Add Snippet. Next, click the ‘Use Snippet’ button under the ‘Add Your Custom Code (New Snippet)’ option.

Adding an iOS smart app banner to WordPress

This will take you to the ‘Create Custom Snippet’ page, where you can type in a name for the code snippet. This is just for your reference, so you can use anything you want.

After that, open the ‘Code Type’ dropdown and choose ‘HTML Snippet’.

Creating an Apple app banner using WPCode

For the next step, you will need to know your application’s ID.

To get this information, open a new browser tab and head to the Apple Services Marketing Tools page. Here, type in the name of the application you want to promote and click on the ‘Search’ icon.

The App Marketing Tools website

To see all the iOS apps that match your search term, simply scroll to the ‘Apps’ section.

Here, find the app you want to promote and give it a click.

Getting the app ID for an iPhone or iPad iOS app

At the bottom of the screen, you will see a ‘Content Link’.

The app ID is the value between id and ?. You will need this information in the next step, so either leave this tab open or make a note of the app ID.

An Apple App ID

Now you have the app ID, switch back to the WordPress dashboard. You can now add the following snippet into the code editor, replacing the app ID with the information you got in the previous step:

<meta name="apple-itunes-app" content="app-id=12345678">

With that done, you must scroll to the ‘Insertion’ box. If it isn’t already selected, click on ‘Auto Insert’ and then select ‘Site Wide Header’ from the dropdown menu.

Adding custom code to the WordPress theme header

When you are ready, scroll to the top of the page and toggle the ‘Inactive’ switch to ‘Active’.

Finally, just click the ‘Save Snippet’ button to store your changes.

Publishing a smart app banner to WordPress

Now, the smart app banner will appear on your WordPress website.

How to Test the Smart App Banner Code in WordPress

The best way to test the smart app banner is by visiting your website on an iOS device using the Safari mobile app. In fact, the smart app banner won’t even appear if you try to view the mobile version of your WordPress site from desktop.

If you need to quickly check whether the code snippet is working, then one workaround is to use your browser’s Inspect tool. It allows you to see whether the <meta name> code has been inserted into your site’s <head>section, which suggests it’s working as expected.

To do this, go to any page or post on your WordPress blog. Then, right-click anywhere on the page and select ‘Inspect’.

The Google Chrome Inspect tool

A new panel will open, showing all the site’s code.

Simply find the <head> section and click on its arrow to expand.

Apple app code in the WordPress header

Now, look for the <meta name="apple-itunes-app"> code you added in the previous step.

If you see this code, then the smart app banner should be appearing on iOS devices.

Testing the Apple smart app banner code

Method 2: Using Smart App Banner (Add Banners to Specific Pages and Posts)

Sometimes, you may want to only promote apps on specific pages and posts. For example, you typically won’t show a smart app banner on sales pages and landing pages as the banner might distract from the main call to action.

You may even want to show different banners on different parts of your website. For instance, if you are an affiliate marketer, then you might have a list of apps you want to promote.

In this case, we recommend using the Smart App Banner plugin. This plugin allows you to show different banners on different pages and include affiliate data in those banners. These features make it a great plugin for affiliate marketers.

First, you will need to install and activate the Smart App Banner plugin. If you need help, then please see our guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, you can add an app banner to specific pages or posts, the WordPress homepage, or across your entire website.

To start, let’s look at the app’s settings. Here, you can add a banner to every page and post or add a smart app banner to your homepage only.

To start, go to Settings » Smart App Banner and type the application’s value into the ‘App ID’ field.

Adding an app ID to a WordPress plugin

You can get this information by following the same process described in Method 1.

If you are using affiliate marketing to make money online blogging, then you can type your affiliate token into the ‘Affiliate data’ field. The information will vary, so you may need to log in to your affiliate portal or speak to your partners to get the right token.

After that, you can either check the ‘Show on all pages’ box or leave it unchecked. If you leave the box unchecked, then the app banner will only appear on your homepage.

Showing a smart app banner across your WordPress blog or website

When you are happy with how the banner is set up, simply click on the ‘Save Changes’ button to make it live.

Do you want to add a smart app banner to specific pages and posts instead? This allows you to control exactly where the banner appears on your website.

For example, if you are an affiliate marketer, then you might promote different apps on different pages and then use Google Analytics to see which banners get the most conversions.

To do this, simply open the page or post where you want to add the banner. Now, find the new ‘Smart App Banner’ section in the WordPress content editor.

Adding a smart app banner to a WordPress page or post

Here, just add the app ID and optional affiliate information by following the same process described above.

When you are happy with the information you have entered, just click on ‘Update’ or ‘Publish’ to make your changes live.

An example of a smart app banner on a WordPress blog or website

Then, you can simply repeat these steps to add a smart app banner to more WordPress posts and pages.

FAQs About Adding Smart App Banners in WordPress

In this guide, we showed you how to promote your mobile app on specific posts and pages or across your entire WordPress website.

If you still have questions, then here are our top FAQs about how to add smart banners to your WordPress website.

What is a smart app banner?

Smart app banners appear at the top of the Safari web browser and give users the option to open an app or download it from the Apple App Store.

Since they are created by Apple, smart app banners have a consistent design that many iOS users recognize. They only appear to people who are using iPhones and iPads running iOS 6 or higher.

Why can’t I see my smart app banner on desktop?

The smart app banner won’t appear on desktop computers, even if you view the mobile version of your site.

To see the banner in action, you will need to visit your site on an iPhone or iPad using the Safari mobile app.

Why can’t I see the smart app banner on my iPhone or iPad?

Smart app banners only appear on devices running iOS 6 or higher when you are using the Safari mobile app. If you don’t see the smart app banner, then you should start by checking you have the latest versions of both iOS and the Safari mobile app.

The smart app banner also detects whether the device can support the app and if the app is available in your location. If you don’t see the smart app banner, then it’s possible that your device has failed one of these checks.

Why has the smart app banner disappeared in Safari?

If you dismiss the banner by clicking the ‘x’ button, then it won’t appear again by default.

Depending on your mobile device, you may need to open a private browser tab, clear your cache or cookies, or perform some other action to reset your settings.

We hope that this article helped you learn how to add smart app banners in WordPress. You may also want to see our guide on how to add web push notifications to your WordPress site or our expert picks for the best WordPress popup plugins.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Easily Add Smart App Banners in WordPress first appeared on WPBeginner.

CCSS Audits: Unmasking Vulnerabilities, Safeguarding Digital Wealth in the

In the dynamic and ever-evolving landscape of cryptocurrency, where virtual fortunes are created and exchanged in the blink of an eye, the significance of security cannot be overstated. As the digital realm intertwines with the financial world, the need to protect digital wealth from potential threats and vulnerabilities becomes an imperative that resonates across the spectrum. In this realm of rapid innovation and transformative potential, the emergence of Cryptocurrency Security Standard (CCSS) audits takes center stage, acting as a potent shield against the unseen dangers that lurk in the digital shadows.

The Essence of CCSS Audits

Delving into the core essence of CCSS audits reveals a comprehensive evaluation that transcends mere scrutiny. These audits embody a meticulous and comprehensive examination of the security protocols, practices, and measures that underpin the complex fabric of the cryptocurrency domain. Envisioned and executed by seasoned experts who possess an innate understanding of the intricate tapestry of the cryptocurrency ecosystem, CCSS audits unfurl a dual objective: to unearth latent vulnerabilities that could undermine the foundation and to enact robust security mechanisms that act as impregnable ramparts against the relentless tide of cyber threats.


Guardians of Cryptocurrency Fortunes


The role of CCSS audits extends far beyond the confines of traditional assessments. These audits assume the mantle of guardians, custodians, and sentinels of the cryptocurrency realm, upholding the principles of trust, resilience, and continuity:

1. Fortifying Against the Unseen: In a world where cyber threats loom large and insidious, the realm of cryptocurrency is not exempt from their reach. CCSS audits serve as an indomitable fortress against these threats, dissecting security protocols, encryption paradigms, access controls, and incident response frameworks. The revelation of latent vulnerabilities empowers organizations to fortify their defenses, ensuring uninterrupted operations and robust protection of digital wealth against an ever-expanding spectrum of cyber threats.

2. Architecting Operational Fortitude: The landscape of cryptocurrency operations is multifaceted, a symphony of technical intricacies and operational maneuvers. CCSS audits orchestrate a comprehensive assessment of operational risks, disaster recovery strategies, and contingency blueprints. By unearthing latent operational chinks and refining the operational symphony, CCSS audits infuse organizations with operational fortitude, enabling seamless business continuity even amidst the turbulence of unforeseen challenges.

3. Inspiring Trust through Vigilance: In a realm where trust is the currency of choice, CCSS audits radiate confidence. The conscious decision to undergo a CCSS audit speaks volumes about an organization's commitment to security. This commitment resonates deeply, fostering a sense of trust among stakeholders. With enhanced user trust comes the invaluable allure of an expanded user base, transforming the audited entity into a beacon of security and reliability.

4. Navigating Regulatory Currents: The cryptocurrency domain is in a constant state of flux, with regulatory currents shaping its contours. CCSS audits assume a pivotal role in navigating these tumultuous waters, ensuring that security practices harmonize with evolving regulatory benchmarks. By proactively addressing compliance concerns, organizations navigate the labyrinthine landscape of regulations, establishing themselves as responsible torchbearers within the cryptocurrency ecosystem.


The Odyssey of CCSS Audits


The journey of a CCSS audit is a meticulously choreographed symphony that harmonizes numerous vital components:

1. Prudent Risk Assessment: The odyssey commences with a comprehensive risk assessment, a voyage that unearths potential threats and vulnerabilities unique to an organization's operations. This assessment forms the cornerstone upon which the audit's contours are sculpted.

2. Scrutinizing Security Tenets: Auditors immerse themselves in the organization's security policies, procedures, and protocols, meticulously evaluating them against industry best practices. This deep dive yields insights into the organization's security philosophy and its aptitude for risk management.

3. Gauging Access Controls: Access controls, authentication mechanisms, and authorization processes are subjected to the auditors' discerning gaze. This scrutiny fortifies the barriers against unauthorized access to critical systems and sensitive data, imparting an augmented layer of security to the organization's digital frontiers.

4. The Encryption Expedition: Encryption, the vanguard of digital security, undergoes a meticulous evaluation. CCSS audits traverse the encryption landscape, ensuring the confidentiality and sanctity of sensitive data. This rigorous review thwarts potential breaches and tampering, enhancing the organization's digital citadel.

5. Orchestrating Incident Response:
In a world where security breaches are a stark reality, an effective incident response plan is tantamount to an organization's survival. CCSS audits assess an organization's preparedness to manage and mitigate security breaches, scrutinizing the efficacy of response procedures, communication channels, and stakeholder coordination. This evaluation bolsters the organization's ability to navigate the stormy seas of incidents, minimizing potential fallout and restoring normalcy swiftly.


In the Tapestry of Tomorrow


In a digital universe where a single vulnerability can unravel a multitude of fortunes, CCSS audits emerge as the weavers of a secure tomorrow. By unmasking vulnerabilities, fortifying operational resilience, and engendering user trust, CCSS audits form the bedrock upon which the edifice of digital wealth stands tall. Their impact reverberates far beyond the immediate horizon, contributing to regulatory compliance and enhancing the overall security posture of the cryptocurrency ecosystem. As the cryptocurrency revolution forges ahead, rewriting the narratives of finance, CCSS audits stand as a testament to an organization's unwavering commitment to safeguarding the future. With CCSS audits, vulnerabilities are unveiled, and digital wealth discovers an impervious sanctuary in the limitless expanse of cryptocurrencies, heralding a future where financial interactions are characterized by trust, security, and unwavering conviction. In the symphony of cryptocurrency security, CCSS audits play a resounding and enduring melody of protection and prosperity.

Designing Accessible Text Over Images: Best Practices, Techniques, And Resources (Part 1)

What is the text over images design pattern? How do we apply this pattern to our designs without sacrificing legibility and readability?

The text over images design pattern is a design technique used to place text on top of images. It is often used to provide information about the image or to serve as the main website navigation. However, this technique can quickly sacrifice legibility and readability if there is not enough contrast between the text and the image. To prevent this, designers need to ensure that the text and the image have a high enough contrast ratio to be legible and readable. Additionally, designers should also make sure the text is positioned in the right place, away from any image elements that might cause confusion, distraction, or make it difficult to read.

“Because images play such an important role, often designers end up placing text over an image to leverage the attention-grabbing aspect of the photo while providing text-based content to communicate actual information. However, these endeavors commonly backfire, usually when the contrast between the text and the background is too low.”

— Aurora Harley, “Ensure High Contrast for Text Over Images” (NN/g Nielsen Group)

Before going forward, here are some useful resources (on how you can apply these techniques in practice with HTML/CSS) that are worth checking out:

How To Design A Text Over An Image

Admittedly, when I was starting my design career, and I had very little accessibility knowledge, one of the main things I used in my designs was the text over images design pattern, without me knowing that I was hurting my users who have low vision.

“A picture says a thousand words. But sometimes, images alone won’t work. This is why typography still proves to be a vital aspect of design despite the focus on more visual content. Remember that the need for visual content does not tell you to stop adding text to your designs — it simply reminds you to do so in the most tasteful and stylish way possible. And, of course, readability should not be sacrificed in the name of design. You can’t add text that people can barely understand, then argue that it’s a piece of art. Sending a message that cannot be deciphered defies the purpose of what you’re doing.”

— Igor Ovsyannykov, “10 Typography Tricks to Make Your Text Much More Readable

Yet accessibility is a key aspect of design, and working with typography is one of the cornerstones of UX design. There are many typography principles that will help you create user-friendly designs. In the following sections of the article, you will learn more about how you can improve your design without sacrificing the accessibility aspect and how to combine text and images better.

According to WCAG Success Criterion 1.4.3, make sure that your text on images should meet the minimum contrast of
  • 3:1 for large text (text bigger than 18 pt normal, or text bigger than 14 pt bold);
  • 4.5:1 for body text (text lower than 18 pt normal, or text lower than 14 pt bold).
Ensure that a minimum visual contrast ratio of 4.5:1 is maintained between the text and its background. This minimum contrast ratio should also be maintained in the case of images of text.

— “Understanding Success Criterion 1.4.3: Contrast (Minimum),”
Using An Overlay Technique Over The Entire Image

Overlays are colored layers such as overlay light, overlay dark, dark gradients, or colored overlays. As a general rule, overlays are used to make images stand out less or to act as a background for the text so that it has better readability and contrast.

Examples From The Wild

Additional Resources On This Topic

Text With Scrim Overlay

The scrim design technique uses a semi-transparent, lightweight, and semi-opaque gradient layer that helps text appear more readable against various backgrounds.

According to Google Material Design, “Scrims are temporary treatments that can be applied to Material surfaces for the purpose of making content on a surface less prominent.” They help direct user attention to other parts of the screen, away from the surface receiving a scrim.

Scrims can be applied in a variety of ways, including the following:
  • Darkening or lightening the surface and its content.
  • Reducing the opacity of the surface and its content.
Multiple surfaces on a screen at a time can display scrims. Scrims can appear at any elevation, whether in the foreground or background.

Google Material Design

Furthermore, you can explore this technique by using different colors besides black or white colored layers.

Examples From The Wild

Additional Resources On This Topic

  • Scrim That Figma Plugin
    Quickly add a scrim over a selected layer in Figma Design with the Scrim That plugin with just one click.
Strips/Highlight Technique

The strips/highlight is one of the simplest design techniques that you can apply to your design. Add a semi-transparent black (or dark-colored) rectangle strip over the image along with your text, or you can be bolder and use different colors instead. But always make sure that the colors you selected for the fonts and the graphic elements have a lot of contrast against the background!

Examples From The Wild

Additional Resources On This Topic

  • Google Material Design — Legibility Standards
    All text should be legible and meet accessibility standards. The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0) level AA requires a 4.5:1 color contrast between text and background for normal text and 3:1 for large text. To learn more about color, contrast, and accessibility design, read this chapter on Material Design Accessibility.
  • Accessible Text on Images: Nail the Contrast Ratio”, Rodney Lab
    Creating accessible text on images on a website page is not easy. First, there are all the usual accessibility concerns when adding an image to your site. For example, you need to make sure the image has an alt text which describes the image well for partially sighted visitors. But then, you also need to remember to leave the alt text empty if the image is included for decorative purposes only. Next, as with any other text on your site, you need to make sure that the contrast level between the text color and the background color is high enough. And there’s more! This article dives into all these little details.
  • Web Accessibility Guidelines v1.0 (Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh)
    Find colors that provide maximum contrast, including enough contrast between content and the background, so that text and non-decorative images are legible for anyone with low vision or color deficiencies. Best practices include: taking care of the 4.5:1 (3:1) ratio, (not) using only color as an indicator, and taking into account color blindness.
Find And Use That Space (Copy Space)

Yes, use that space to position your text, but first, make sure the space is passing the minimum contrast ratio. Space provides the perfect location for your text, especially when you balance and harmonize all the elements between the image and text.

Copy space is an area of an image that is less busy and usually has enough contrast to give you space to write or put your text on.

Examples From The Wild

Additional Resources On This Topic

  • Using Space to Create a Simple and Effective Design,” Carrie Cousins Sometimes the most effective design technique involves nothing at all, and it is quite intentional. Space can be one of the greatest tools in your design kit. It can make text easier to read, bring focus to certain parts of the design and help create an overall mood or feel. In this article, you will see some great uses of space and how they contribute to both simple and effective design schemes for different websites.
  • The Secret to Commercial Photography: Copy Space,” Great Escape Publishing
    Commercial photography is everywhere in our lives. Every time you drive down the highway with its rows of billboards, leaf through the glossy pages of a magazine, or visit a website with banner advertisements, you see commercial stock photography. This article explains one very important concept that helps photos sell: copy space. Copy space is an area of an image that is less busy, which means an advertiser can add text without obscuring critical parts of the photograph and choosing a stock photo becomes more manageable when the photographer has copy space in mind from the get-go.
Text Over Blurred Background Effect Of The Entire Image

Blurring an image with a variety of blurred background styles, such as blurring the entire image, or adding a blur effect to highlight only the main subject, can bring focus into your text layered on top of the image, tone down the “busy” feeling of the image, and also add more dimension and depth to the visuals.

The blurred background design technique is widely used for hero headers when combined with a bold, impactful typeface.

Examples From The Wild

Additional Resources On This Topic


Thank you for joining me on this accessibility journey. So far, we covered five key techniques when designing text over images: using an overlay over the entire image, text with scrim overlay, strips/highlight, copy space, and text over blurred background effect. In the following article of the series, we will review five more — frame the image, soft-colored gradients, text styles and text position, solid color shapes, and use of colored backgrounds — and I will also share with you a few additional useful tools and resources. Stay tuned!

Further Reading On SmashingMag