The Impact of Microservices: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Reliance on technology has come full circle since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. The increased utilization of digital applications for needs such as banking, shopping, and especially healthcare services during the past three years has ushered in a need for consumers to trust technology to assist them in all aspects of daily living. Not coincidentally, the demands placed on app engineers, developers, and designers today require them to offer a level of versatility within their software that was not needed just a few years ago. At a time when the incidence of cybersecurity attacks is at an all-time high, it is now necessary for apps to be built and scalable in a more flexible manner so that they can be addressed appropriately in the event of an incident that requires intervention.

Microservices architecture is a more suitable way to improve the reliability and scalability of today’s software systems. In a microservices cloud-based architecture, a large application is broken down into smaller, independent services that communicate with each other through application programming interfaces (APIs). This allows for more focused development and deployment and easier maintenance and scaling. A microservices approach is in stark contrast to monolithic software applications, which are built as single, unified units that are more complicated and time-consuming to build and deploy.
