Building an Event-Driven Architecture Using Kafka

Event-driven architecture (EDA) is a software design pattern that focuses on the generation, detection, and consumption of events to enable efficient and scalable systems. In EDA, events are the central means of communication between components, allowing them to interact and respond to changes in real time. This architecture promotes loose coupling, extensibility, and responsiveness, making it well-suited for modern, distributed, and highly scalable applications. EDA has emerged as a powerful solution to enable agility and seamless integration in modern systems.

In an event-driven architecture, events represent significant occurrences or changes within a system. Various sources, such as user actions, system processes, or external services, can generate these events. Components, known as event producers, publish events to a central event bus or broker, which acts as a mediator for event distribution. Other components, called event consumers, subscribe to specific events of interest and react accordingly.
