VB6 : is possible convert radians to pixels?

VB6 : is possible convert radians to pixels?
the WindowViewe is 200 pixels.
so i need draw 200 lines between PlayerAngle(100 pixels) to 200. but how can i convert pixels to Radians... the PlayerAngle is the 100 pixel(the half of WindowViewe)

Private Sub rayCasting()
    Dim rayAngle As Double
    Dim IncreRayAngle As Double
    Dim RayX As Double
    Dim RayY As Double
    Dim rayCos As Double
    Dim raySin As Double

    'CamWidth is the viewe width... 
    IncreRayAngle = DegreeToRadians(PlayerFOV) / CamWidth 'getting the angle step

    'getting the player position to ray origin:
    RayX = PlayerX * MapResolution 
    RayY = PlayerY * MapResolution

    For rayAngle = PlayerAngle To 2 Step IncreRayAngle
        'draw the line with 50 of lenght thinking on it's angle:
        DrawLine Floor(RayX), Floor(RayY), Floor(RayX + Cos(rayAngle) * 50), Floor(RayY + Sin(rayAngle) * 50), vbRed
    Next rayAngle
End Sub