MVP Product Costing $100,000+ Without QA Testing. Is It Possible?

Recently, we released the beta version of our platform for crypto traders, which allows real-time analysis of the growth and decline charts of most cryptocurrencies as well as historical data. Currently, the product is undergoing closed testing with a group of investors. We are receiving feedback on the quality of the platform, fixing any bugs that arise, and preparing for the next stage of developing a full-fledged version of the product.

During the initial discussions with the client, we discussed the prospects of launching the project within 3-3.5 months, taking into account the scope of work, and assessed it as unlikely (50% probability of launching a "working" product) and high-risk (90% probability of failure). If you're interested, I can talk about the method of risk assessment in future articles. Here's why we came to this conclusion:
