Microservices With Apache Camel and Quarkus (Part 2)

In the first part of this series, we saw a simplified microservices-based money transfer application, implemented using Apache Camel and AWS SDK (Software Development Kit) as Java development tools and Quarkus as a runtime platform. As noted, there are many deployment scenarios that might be considered in order to run the production of such an application; the first and simplest one is running it locally in a standalone manner. It's the scenario that we'll be considering during this new post.

Quarkus is able to run your applications in two modes: JVM (Java Virtual Machine)-based and native. The JVM-based mode is the standard classical way of running Java applications. Here, the running application isn't executed directly against the operating system, but in kind of an execution medium where Java libraries and APIs are embedded and wrapped around. These libraries and APIs might be very large, and they occupy a specific part of the memory named Resident Set Size (RSS). In order to know more about the RSS and Quarkus (as opposed to how Spring Boot handles it), see here
