Competing Consumers With Spring Boot and Hazelcast

The Competing Consumers pattern is a powerful approach that enables multiple consumer applications to process messages from a shared queue in a parallel and distributed manner.  The implementation of this messaging pattern requires the utilization of a point-to-point channel. Senders deliver messages (or work items) to this channel and consumers compete with each other to be the receiver and process the message (i.e., perform some work based on the contents of the message) in an asynchronous and non-blocking manner.

How Does It Work?

Usually, a message broker (e.g., RabbitMQ, ActiveMQ) or a distributed streaming platform (e.g., Apache Kafka) is needed in order to provide the necessary infrastructure to implement this pattern. Producer applications connect to the broker and push messages to a queue (or a Kafka Topic with multiple partitions implemented as point-to-point channels). Then, consumer applications that are also connected to the broker,  pull items from the queue (or belong to the same Kafka Consumer Group and pick up items from a designated partition). Each message is effectively delivered initially to only one available consumer or remains in the queue till a consumer becomes available.
