The Role of Open Source in Cloud Security: A Case Study With Terrascan by Tenable

From Kubernetes to Argo to Docker to Terraform, the most influential cloud-native innovations are open source. The high velocity and mass adoption of projects like Kubernetes show that in order to keep pace with innovation, the cloud-native community must come together, share best practices, foster collaboration, and contribute to next-generation technologies. 

Open-Source and Cloud-Native

The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF),  the largest open-source community in the world and the host of international events like KubeCon + CloudNativeCon and CloudNativeSecurityCon, rallies around the idea that open source and democratizing innovation are the best ways to make cloud-native technologies widely available. As a subset of the Linux Foundation, the CNCF brings together thousands of developers and cloud architects around the world to create and maintain hundreds of cloud-native open-source projects.