Cleaning Up AI-Generated Images With CodeFormer: A Complete Guide

Sometimes, AI-generated photos come out a little bit… wonky. Maybe they’re low quality, or perhaps there are weird artifacts that make the image look less than perfect. But fear not! CodeFormer is here to save the day, helping you fix up those images in no time. In this guide, I’ll introduce you to the CodeFormer model, show you how it works, and explain how to use it to fix up a slightly warped AI-generated photo. I’ll walk you through the exact steps I used to clean up the weird image I got from another AI model, shown below:

This dude looks terrible and scary. Original generation from Arcane-Diffusion.

This image came from the arcane-diffusion model, which I was using for another blog post. I’ll show you how you can use the same workflow I followed to clean up your own generated images and even upscale them to look better. I’ll do this walkthrough using the Replicate Python SDK, but there are also many other languages supported on Replicate.
