Handling Bad Messages via DLQ by Configuring JDBC Kafka Sink Connector

Any trustworthy data streaming pipeline needs to be able to identify and handle faults. Exceptionally while IoT devices ingest endlessly critical data/events into permanent persistence storage like RDBMS for future analysis via multi-node Apache Kafka cluster. (Please click here to read how to set up a multi-node Apache Kafka Cluster). There could be scenarios where IoT devices might send fault/bad events due to various reasons at the source points, and henceforth appropriate actions can be executed to correct it further. The Apache  Kafka architecture does not include any filtering and error handling mechanism within the broker so that maximum performance/scale can be yielded.  Instead, it is included in Kafka Connect, which is an integration framework of Apache Kafka. As a default behavior, if a problem arises as a result of consuming an invalid message, the Kafka Connect task terminates, and the same applies to JDBC Sink Connector.

Kafka Connect has been classified into two categories, namely Source (to ingest data from various data generation sources and transport to the topic) and Sink (to consume data/messages from the topic and send them eventually to various destinations).  Without implementing a strict filtering mechanism or exception handling, we can ingest/publishes messages inclusive of wrong formatted to the Kafka topic because the Kafka topic accepts all messages or records as byte arrays in key-value pairs. But by default, the Kafka Connect task stops if an error occurs because of consuming an invalid message, and on top of that JDBC sink connector additionally won’t work if there is an ambiguity in the message schema.
