Java Platform Renaissance: 42 Practical Design Patterns

My work, my first book, was recently published. The book I've been working on for about a year. Although the actual work took about a year, refining the idea and things about the examples started quite a while before this work even started. And I'm not just talking about studying or contributing to the development of the Java platform itself. I mean hours of meetings, discussions, or writing test cases to prove the correctness of hypotheses to find a solution to a critical challenge. And maybe not only that but also time spent helping newcomers,  team members, colleagues, or people in charge not only to properly grasp the challenge but also the platform, the tool we are going to use. 

The aim of the article is to introduce my newly published book "Practical Design Pattern for Java Developers" (Figure 1., Ref. 7). Together, we'll explore today's application development challenges and dive deeper into some of Java's new language enhancements by exploring the Builder Design pattern in more detail.