I’m Done With Unit and Integration Tests

I've been writing developer tests for a very long time. Lately, I've been reflecting on the types of tests I write and why some are easier than others. When teaching and coaching others how to write tests, I almost always explain what I mean by "Unit Tests" and "Integration Tests": Unit Tests don't touch hardware, don't do I/O, etc. (This should sound familiar to some of you, as it's the same idea as the set of unit testing rules by Michael Feathers written in 2005), and test against a single object or group of objects (I use the terms Sociable and Solitary to differentiate between the different kinds of "unit" tests, as defined by Jay Fields). I'd then demonstrate what I meant like this:

public void fullDeckHas52Cards() {
    Deck deck = new Deck();


public void drawCardFromDeckReducesDeckSizeByOne() {
    Deck deck = new Deck();

