simple_html_dom() ISSUE


I do not understand why this crawler fails to echo found links on a page.


//Sitemap Crawler: If starting url is an xml file listing further xml files then it will just echo the found xml files and not extract links from them.
//Sitemap Protocol:


//Succeeds to echo found links on these 2 pages.
//$sitemap = '';
//$sitemap = ""; //Has more xml files.

//Does not work. Shows blank page. Crawler fails to load the page or extract any found links on the page.
//$sitemap = "";

$html = new simple_html_dom();

foreach($html->find("loc") as $link)
    echo $link->innertext."<br>";

Issue is on this page:

//Does not work. Shows blank page. Crawler fails to load the page or extract any found links on the page.
//$sitemap = "";

What line of code do I need to add to fix this issue ?
