Reasons to Use Tailwind CSS in React Native Development Projects

Tailwind CSS has become a popular pick for software development teams to design responsive new-era web and mobile app designs effectively and speedily. Using this framework, developers can quickly design custom UIs by directly employing a set of pre-defined CSS classes in an HTML file. And utilizing Tailwind CSS for executing React Native projects is a preferred choice. React Native is one of the most sought-after cross-platform app development frameworks that use React and JavaScript. This article explores the reasons to use Tailwind CSS in React Native app development projects.

What Is Tailwind CSS?

Tailwind CSS is a small-sized utility-first CSS framework that offers numerous classes. One can customize these classes to any extent. Tailwind CSS redefines the styling process of a software application due to its flexibility and high customization capability. It helps you to build complex designs while keeping the CSS code maintainable and easy to read.
