How To Perform Local Website Testing Using Selenium And Java

Users expect new features and websites to be seamless and user-friendly when they go live. End-to-end website testing in local infrastructure becomes an unspoken critical requirement for this. However, if this test is performed later or after the entire website, or app, has been developed, the possibility of bugs and code issues increases. Such issues can do more damage than we can ever think of.

According to a report by HubSpot, 88% of users are less likely to return to the website after a bad user experience. As much as $2.6 Billion is lost each year due to slow-loading websites and images on them if it takes more than an average of two seconds. Also, up to 8/10 users stop visiting a website if it is incompatible with their device. A mere look at these numbers is terrifying due to the cost and effort involved in fixing these at a later stage, in addition to the customer base lost due to bad impressions and first experiences.
