Tracking Software Architecture Decisions

Maybe this sounds familiar to you: joining a new software engineering company or moving from your current team to a different team and being asked to keep evolving an existing product. You realized that this solution is using an uncommon architectural pattern in your organization. Let’s say it is applying event sourcing for persisting the state of the domain aggregates. If you like event sourcing; but do not like it for the specific nature of the product, most likely, it wouldn’t have been your first choice. As a software architect, you start to find the rationale behind that solution, find documentation with no success, and ask the software engineers that do not have the answer you were looking for.

This situation might have a relevant negative impact. Software architectural decisions are key and drive the overall design of the solution, impacting maintainability, performance, security, and many other “-alities.” There is no perfect software architecture decision designing architectures is all about trade-offs, understanding their implications, sharing their impacts with the stakeholders, and having mitigations to live with them.
