The Problem with Web Design Trends: Why Following Them Blindly Can Hurt Your Business

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Web design trends come and go. Some trends stick around for a while, while others quickly fade into obscurity. As a business owner or web developer, jumping on the latest trend bandwagon is tempting. However, blindly following web design trends …

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How to Sell Audiobooks Online (3 Simple & Easy Ways)

Do you want to sell audiobooks online?

By selling your books as downloadable audio files, you can make money without having to pay for shipping or printing. You can also sell the same audio file an unlimited number of times.

In this article, we will show you how to easily sell audiobooks online using WordPress.

How to sell audiobooks online

Why Sell Audiobooks Online?

There are lots of ways to share your experiences or knowledge online. You can create an online course, record a webinar, or even start a podcast.

Another option is recording that information as an audiobook. This is a great way to collect everything you want to say into a single, downloadable file that’s easy to distribute and sell to other people.

Unlike traditional printed books, you don’t have to pay printing or shipping fees for your audiobooks. You also don’t have to worry about physical storage, supplies, or managing your inventory. All of this means lower costs and bigger profits, which makes audiobooks the perfect way to make money online with WordPress.

If you have an ebook, then there are plenty of services that can help you turn it into an audiobook including ACX. Every audiobook you make on ACX will be available on,, and iTunes, but it’s also a good idea to add the audiobook to your own website.

With that in mind, let’s see how you can sell audiobooks online. Simply use the quick links below to jump straight to the method you want to use.

Method 1. How to Sell Audiobooks With Easy Digital Downloads (Recommended)

The easiest way to sell audiobooks online is by using Easy Digital Downloads. Easy Digital Downloads is one of the best eCommerce WordPress plugins, and it’s designed specifically to sell digital products.

How to sell an audiobook in WordPress using Easy Digital Downloads

Unlike general eCommerce plugins, Easy Digital Downloads has the specific features you need to promote, sell, and distribute digital products with ease. This means you don’t have to waste time and effort with unnecessary settings, such as configuring your store’s shipping.

Even better, if you’re using SiteGround then Easy Digital Downloads already comes pre-installed on their EDD plan, so you can start using it straight away.

If you’re using a different hosting provider, then you’ll need to install and activate the Easy Digital Downloads plugin. If you need help, then please see our guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, go to Downloads » Settings in the WordPress dashboard.

The Easy Digital Downloads plugin's settings

Even though you’re selling audiobooks, you’ll need to set your store’s location. This allows Easy Digital Downloads to auto-fill some fields in the order form, which will help improve the customer experience.

Easy Digital Downloads also uses your location to calculate sales tax.

To add your location, simply open the ‘Business Country’ dropdown menu. You can then choose where your business is based.

Setting the location for your audiobook store

Next, find the ‘Business Region’ field.

Here you can open the dropdown and choose the region where your store operates from.

Setting the region for your online audiobook store

After making these changes, go ahead and click on Save Changes to store your settings.

Next, you’ll need a way to accept credit card payments in WordPress by clicking on the ‘Payments’ tab. Then make sure the ‘General’ tab is selected.

Adding payment gateways to your WordPress website

In the Payment Gateways section, check the box next to each gateway that you want to add to your WordPress blog or website.

If you add more than one payment method, then you’ll need to choose a default gateway.

Adding multiple payment gateways to an online store

You can use any gateway you want, but Stripe can accept credit cards as well as Apple Pay and Google Pay. This is why we recommend using Stripe as the default payment gateway.

With that done, click on the ‘Save Changes’ button.

You’ll now see some new tabs where you can configure each payment method.

Configuring payment gateways including Stripe

Configuring the payment gateway will be slightly different depending on which gateway you’re using, but Easy Digital Downloads will walk you through the process.

Once you’ve set up at least one payment gateway, you’re ready to start uploading audiobooks to your WordPress website.

To create a digital product, select Downloads from the left-hand menu. Then, click on the ‘Add New’ button.

Adding a downloadable audiobook to your WordPress website

You can now type a name for the product into the ‘Enter download name here’ field. This will appear on the audiobook’s page, so you’ll want to use something that catches the visitor’s attention and accurately describes the book.

Next, type out the description that will appear on the ebook’s product page. You’ll want to give visitors all the information they need to decide whether this book is right for them.

Adding a title to a downloable audiobook

Many online stores use product categories and tags to help shoppers find what they’re looking for. If you’re selling lots of audiobooks, then these categories and tags help visitors find related audiobooks, which can get you more sales.

You can create new categories and tags in the Categories and Tags boxes.

Adding categories and tags to a downloadable ebook

For more information, see our step-by-step guide on how to add categories and tags for WordPress pages.

Next, you’ll want to set a price by scrolling to the Download Prices section. Here, type in how much visitors will pay to download the audiobook.

Adding prices to an audio book in WordPress

You’re now ready to upload the audio file that you want to sell. When it comes to audio, WordPress supports mp3, ogg, and wav. It also supports m4a, although this format may not work on all browsers.

Pro Tip: If you want to sell audiobooks in a file type that WordPress doesn’t support, then see our guide on how to allow additional file types in WordPress.

To add an audio file, simply scroll to the Download Files section.

How to upload a downloadable audiobook to WordPress

In the File Name field, type a name for the file that shoppers will get when they buy the audiobook. Then, simply click on ‘Upload a File.’

You can now choose any audio file from the WordPress media library, or you can upload a new audiobook from your computer.

Finally, you’ll need to add a product image, which will usually be your audiobook’s front cover. Simply scroll to the Download Image section and then click on the ‘Set Download Image’ link.

Adding a featured image to your audiobook

This launches the WordPress media library where you can choose an image or upload a new file from your computer.

When you’re happy with your digital download, click on the Publish button to make it live.

Easy Digital Downloads will now create the audiobook as a downloadable product, but visitors still need a way to access the product page.

This might mean adding the page to your website’s menu, creating a sales page where you advertise all your audiobooks, or even adding the book to a custom home page.

No matter what method you choose, you’ll need to know the audiobook’s URL.

To get this link, simply go to Downloads » Downloads. Then, find the audiobook you just created, and click on its ‘Edit’ link.

How to get a link to a downloadable audiobook product

You will then find the URL directly below the product title.

Now, you can link to this product page from any area of your website, simply by using its URL. To learn more, see our step-by-step guide on how to add a link in WordPress.

Easy Digital Downloads also creates a ‘Purchase’ button for this particular audiobook. Visitors can click this button to add the audiobook to their cart.

Adding an audiobook purchase button to an online store

You can add the button for this book to any page, post, or widget-ready area. This allows visitors to start the purchasing process without even Needing to visit the individual product’s page.

To get the audiobook’s shortcode, simply scroll to its Download Settings section. You can then copy the text in the ‘Purchase Shortcode’ field.

Adding an audiobook to your site using a product shortcode

For more information on placing the shortcode, please see our guide on how to add a shortcode in WordPress.

Every time someone buys an audiobook from your website, Easy Digital Downloads will send them an email and download link.

A purchase receipt for an audiobook

While this email has everything the customer needs to access their download, it’s a good idea to customize it. For example, we recommend adding your own logo and branding.

To customize the default email, simply go to Downloads » Settings. Then click on the ‘Emails’ tab.

Customizing the Easy Digital Download emails

When you’ve finished making changes, you may want to send a test email so you can see how the message will look to your customers.

To do this, simply click on the ‘Send Test Email’ button and Easy Digital Downloads will send an email to your admin email address.

Sending a test email for your downlodable audiobook

Have you clicked on the ‘Send Test Email’ button, but haven’t got a test email? If your site isn’t sending emails correctly, then customers won’t be able to download your audiobook.

With that in mind, you can follow our guide on how to fix the WordPress not sending email issue. You can use WP Mail SMTP to make sure the purchase confirmation emails arrive safely in the customer’s inbox.

When you’re happy with how the email looks, you can go ahead and click on the ‘Save Changes’ button.

This is all you need to start selling audiobooks online. However, Easy Digital Downloads has lots more advanced features that can help you sell audiobooks.

For more information on Easy Digital Downloads, please see our guide on how to sell digital downloads on WordPress.

Method 2. How to Sell Audiobook Memberships (Best for Recurring Revenue)

Another option is using your audiobooks to create recurring revenue streams.

For example, you might offer members unlimited monthly or annual access to all your audiobooks for a membership fee. In this way, you can get reliable recurring revenue over a longer period of time.

How to add an audiobook to your site using MemberPress

A membership site is also a great choice if you’re releasing your audiobooks as a series.

If you want to get recurring revenue, then MemberPress is the best WordPress membership plugin. It allows you to accept payments, create an unlimited number of membership levels, restrict access to audiobook pages based on membership subscription, and more.

First, you need to install and activate the MemberPress plugin. For more details, see our step-by-step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, go to the MemberPress » Settings page to configure the plugin settings.

How to configure the MemberPress plugin

To start, you’ll need to set up a payment gateway.

Out of the box, MemberPress supports PayPal (Standard, Express, and Pro), Stripe, and You simply need to select the payment method you want to use and then type in the required credentials, such as your PayPal email address.

Adding a payment gateway to a membership site

You may want to add multiple methods, so members can use their preferred gateway. When that’s done, don’t forget to click on the Update Options button to save your settings.

With the setup out of the way, it’s time to create one or more membership levels. These are the subscriptions that visitors will buy to access your audiobooks, or other content.

MemberPress allows you to offer different content for different membership levels. For example, you might create Bronze, Silver, and Gold memberships and then give members access to different audiobooks.

To create the first membership plan, go to the MemberPress » Memberships page and then click on the ‘Add New’ button.

Adding a membership level to your audiobook website

On the next screen, you’ll need to provide a title for the membership plan and then add details in the post editor.

After that, you can set the pricing, billing type, interval, and expiration under the ‘Membership Terms’ section.

How to sell audiobooks online using MemberPress

Next, scroll to the Membership Options box below the editor.

Here, you can customize the plan permissions and membership options.

Adding a membership level to your WordPress blog or website

When you’re happy with how the plan is set up, go ahead and click on ‘Publish.’ To create more membership levels, simply repeat the same process described above.

Once you’ve created all the membership levels, it’s time to add some access rules. These allow you to restrict access to your audiobooks based on the user’s membership plan.

Just go to MemberPress » Rules and then click on the Add New button.

Adding a new rule to your WordPress membership site

Here, you can create all kinds of access rules, but you’ll typically start by selecting the audiobook that you want to restrict access to.

Under ‘Protected Content,’ open the dropdown menu and choose an option from the list. This might be the specific page where you embedded the audio file, content that has a particular tag, or any other option from the list.

Creating content restriction rules in WordPress

After that, open the ‘Access Conditions’ dropdown and choose ‘Membership.’

In the second dropdown menu, select the membership level people will need in order to access this content.

Creating subscriptions for your audiobooks

There are more settings that you can configure, but this is all you need to create a simple access rule.

When you’re happy with how the rule is set up, click on ‘Save Rule.’ To create more access rules, simply follow the same process described above.

Now that everything is set up, you’ll need to make sure visitors can buy memberships and log into their accounts. Thankfully, MemberPress comes with ready-made forms that you can add to your site.

We recommend adding the MemberPress login widget to a widget-ready area, so members can log in from any page.

Simply head over to Appearance » Widgets and add the ‘MemberPress login’ widget to the sidebar or similar section.

Adding a MemberPress login widget to WordPress

To learn more, please see our guide on how to add and use widgets in WordPress.

Don’t forget to click on the ‘Update’ button to save your widget settings.

There are a few different ways to add a signup page to your website, but MemberPress automatically creates a registration page for each membership level. This means you can simply add these pages to your main navigation menu.

In your WordPress dashboard, go to Appearance » Menus. In the left-hand menu, simply click to expand the ‘Memberships’ section.

Adding membership subscriptions to your WordPress website

You’ll now see a list of all the different MemberPress levels.

To add a membership to the navigation menu, simply check the box next to it and then select ‘Add to menu.’

How to sell audiobooks online

For step-by-step instructions, please see our guide on how to add a navigation menu.

When you’re happy with how the menu is set up, click on ‘Save Menu.’

At this point, you’ve created a website where visitors can buy audiobook subscriptions. However, MemberPress has lots more settings you can use to sell audiobooks, grow your brand, and get more members.

For more information about MemberPress, check out our ultimate guide to creating a WordPress membership site.

Method 3. How to Sell Audiobooks With WooCommerce (Best For Online Stores)

Easy Digital Downloads makes it easy to sell audiobooks on any WordPress blog or website, without you having to configure lots of unnecessary settings like shipping and handling.

However, if you’ve already created a WooCommerce store, then you can sell digital products like audiobooks using this popular eCommerce plugin.

How to sell an audiobook online using WooCommerce

Although it’s mostly used to sell physical products, you can add support for digital products by going to WooCommerce » Settings and then clicking on the ‘Products’ tab.

Here, click on the ‘Downloadable products’ link.

Creating downloadable WooCommerce products

You can now open the ‘File download method’ dropdown and choose an option from the list.

When you’re selling digital downloads, there is a risk that customers may share the direct link with other people. This allows people to download your audiobook without paying.

‘Force Downloads’ helps to protect your site from direct linking, so it’s the recommended method. However, just be aware that very large files may result in a timeout, especially if your server has limited resources.

If this happens, then you may need to change your WordPress hosting plan or select a different file download method.

You may also want to enable the checkbox next to ‘Allow using redirect mode (insecure) as a last resort.’ If WooCommerce encounters any problems, then this setting will deliver the audiobook via an unsecured redirect link rather than showing an error.

This is a much better customer experience.

WooCommerce's downloadable product settings

The second option is ‘X-Accel-Redirect/X-Sendfile,’ which serves the file directly to the customer. This protects the audiobook from unauthorized downloads without impacting your site’s performance.

However, this method requires you to install and enable the X-Accel-Redirect/X-Sendfile module on your server, so it’s not very beginner-friendly. Depending on your plan, you may also need to speak to your WooCommerce hosting provider.

The final option is ‘Redirect only,’ which uses a direct link to the file. This means your audiobook isn’t protected and anyone can access it using the URL. That said, we don’t recommend the ‘Redirect only’ method.

After selecting a download method, you can choose whether visitors must be logged into an account in order to download the audiobook.

Allowing guest checkout can get you more sales and downloads, but requiring users to register with your online store can help you do lead generation.

To make this decision, either enable or disable the ‘Downloads require login’ checkbox.

How to disable guest checkout for audiobooks in WooCommerce

By default, customers can download the audiobook while their order is processing.

If you want to wait until the order is complete, then uncheck the following box: ‘Grant access to downloadable products after payment.’

By default, WooCommerce will download the audiobook to the customer’s computer.

Most of the time this is the best customer experience, but you can set the file to open in a new tab instead. The customer can then decide whether they want to save the file.

There are some use cases where this may be the better option. For example, if you’re showing the customer a free sample, or your audiobooks are short enough to enjoy in one sitting.

In this case, you may want to check the box next to ‘Open downloadable files in the browser.’

How to set up downloadable files in WooCommerce

When you’re happy with the settings you’ve entered, click on ‘Save Changes.’

With that done, you’re ready to add the audiobook as a downloadable product by going to Products » Add New. Here, you can type in a title, add a description, upload a product image, and set the price as normal.

Creating a downloadable WooCommerce product

Then, scroll to ‘Product Data’ and check the box next to ‘Downloadable,’ which adds some new settings.

To start, click on ‘Add File.’

Adding a downloadable audiobook to a WooCommerce online store

You can now either choose the audiobook from your media library or upload a new file from your computer.

After that, type in a filename for the audiobook.

Adding a downloadable audiobook in WooCommerce

By default, customers can download the audiobook as many times as they want, for as long as they want.

If you want to limit the number of downloads per customer, then type a number into the ‘Download limit’ field.

Adding a download limit for your audiobook

If you want the download link to expire after a certain number of days has passed, then type a number into the ‘Download expiry’ field.

When you’re happy with how the audiobook is set up, click on the ‘Publish’ button. The audiobook will now appear as a downloadable product on your online store.

We hope this article helped you learn how to sell audiobooks online. You may also want to check out our expert pick of the best WordPress plugins to grow your site, and our comparison of the best email marketing services for small businesses.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Sell Audiobooks Online (3 Simple & Easy Ways) first appeared on WPBeginner.

Free Fonts For Interface Designers

Not every project has the budget to spend a lot of money on fonts. But that doesn’t mean that typography needs to play a secondary role when the budget is tight. The variety and quality of free and open-source fonts out there is impressive and enables everyone to use beautiful, well-crafted typefaces.

In this post, we compiled some free fonts that we came across and that you probably haven’t spotted before. Some of them shine with their flexibility, some put a special focus on readability, and others are a great choice if you want to make a bold statement. As different as the fonts are, they all have one thing in common: You can use them for free in both personal and commercial projects. A huge thank-you to the wonderful type designers and contributors for making their fonts available to all of us! 👏🏼👏🏽👏🏾


Built to maximize versatility, control, and performance, Recursive is a five-axis variable font that can go from Sans to Mono. Taking full advantage of variable font technology, it gives you full flexibility.

Recursive allows you to choose from a wide range of predefined styles or dial in exactly what you want for each of its axes: Monospace, Casual, Weight, Slant, and Cursive. Inspiration came from single-stroke casual signpainting to give the font a flexible and warmly energetic look, making it a great fit for data-rich-apps, technical documentation, code editors, and much more. Designed by Stephen Nixon, with contributions from Lisa Huang, Katja Schimmel, Rafał Buchner, and Cris R Hernández.

Yrsa & Rasa

The type families Yrsa and Rasa have a different approach than other type projects. They build upon the existing typefaces Merriweather and Skolar Gujarati to produce two entirely new type families that span different writing systems.

Yrsa supports over 92 languages in Latin script and has a special focus on properly shaping the accents in Central and East European languages. Rasa supports a wide array of basic and compound syllables used in Gujarati. Both type families include five weights and are intended for continuous reading on the web. Perfect for longer articles in online news, magazines, or blogs. Designed by Anna Giedryś and David Březina.

Space Grotesk

Space Grotesk is a proportional sans-serif typeface variant based on Colophon Foundry’s fixed-width Space Mono family. It retains the idiosyncratic details of the monospace while optimizing for improved readability of non-display sizes.

Space Grotesk includes four weights and open-type features like old-style and tabular figures, superscript and subscript numerals, fractions, and stylistic alternates. Latin Vietnamese, Pinyin, and all Western, Central, and South-Eastern European languages are supported. Designed by Květoslav Bartoš for Florian Karsten Typefaces.


Figtree combines friendly curved shapes, a simple monolinear construction, a high x-height, and slight taper into a charming geometric typeface that ensures maximum readability.

Figtree comes in seven weights, ranging from Light to Black, and includes typographic finesses such as fractions, monospace numbers, and scientific inferiors. Minimal but not stiff, casual but not silly, the typeface beautifully manages to maintain a crisp, clean feeling. Designed by Erik Kennedy.


Reforma is a versatile font family designed for long-form reading. Commissioned to celebrate the centenary of the university reform of the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina, the typeface had to convey four premises: plurality, intellectual heritage, versatility, and free availability.

After three years of work, 20 font styles were born that work harmoniously in different contexts. They are grouped into three subfamilies — from a classic serif to a modern sans-serif and an intermediate hybrid style with flare serifs — and are available in three weights plus an ultra-black companion set for headings. Reforma beautifully manages to strike the balance between tradition and novelty while staying super-versatile. Designed by Alejandro Lo Celso, Jorge Ivan Moreno Majul, Francisco Galvez Pizarro, Francis Ramel, and Oscar Yañez.

Hanken Grotesk

If you’re looking for a versatile sans-serif typeface inspired by the classic grotesques, Hanken Grotesk might be right down your alley. It shines with a friendly, distinguishable look and is equally suitable for small text and headings.

Nine weights are available, ranging from Thin to ExtraLight, Light, Regular, Medium, SemiBold, Bold, ExtraBold, and Black. Each weight comes with matching italics. A modern classic designed by Alfredo Marco Pradil.


Grenze combines the best of two worlds. As a hybrid between Roman and Blackletter styles, it transports a sense of boldness and texture while at the same time offering the readability of classical typefaces.

The family includes nine weights (Thin, Extra Light, Light, Regular, Medium, Semibold, Bold, Extra Bold, and Black) with matching italics. To respond to different needs, Grenze comes with some useful advanced features such as ligatures, ornaments, extended language support, and various figure sets. Designed by Renata Polastri and the Omnibus team.

Fira Sans

Originally designed as a system font for Mozilla’s FirefoxOS, the humanist sans-serif Fira Sans grew into a versatile open-source typeface that stays readable across screen qualities and sizes.

Fira Sans is available in 18 styles, including nine weights and accompanying italics. The package also includes a mono-spaced variant. Designed by Carrois Apostrophe in cooperation with Erik Spiekermann.

Atkinson Hyperlegible

Certain letters and numbers can be hard to distinguish from one another for low-vision readers. Atkinson Hyperlegible is here to change that. Named after Braille Institute founder J. Robert Atkinson, the typeface focuses on letterform distinction to increase character recognition and improve readability.

Recognizable footprints, differentiated letterforms, unambiguous characters, and exaggerated forms are some of the techniques that optimize readability and give the typeface its distinctive look. Atkinson Hyperlegible includes four fonts, with two weights (Regular, Bold, Italics, Italics Bold). Thanks to accent characters, 27 languages are supported. Designed by Braille Institute of America.


The multi-script typeface Anek tells a very special story. It covers nine Indian languages plus Latin and was created through a collaboration of twelve type designers working across eight cities in India. The design of each script is deeply rooted in its typographic culture, while the different scripts live together in visual harmony.

All Anek fonts share visual similarities like circles and circular shapes, robust letter structures, and delicate joineries. With 40 styles per set, Anek is one of the few Indian variable display fonts with such a large set of weight and width styles. Designed by Sarang Kulkarni, Girish Dalvi, Noopur Datye, Hanif Kureshi, Maithili Shingre, Yashodeep Gholap, Divya Kowshik, Aadarsh Rajan, and Shuchita Grover.

Source Sans

Designed by Paul D. Hunt, Source Sans is Adobe’s first open-source typeface family. The sans-serif draws inspiration from classic grotesques and is characterized by a visual simplicity that works equally well in long-form texts just like as short labels in user interfaces.

Source Sans comes in six weights (ExtraLight, Light, Regular, SemiBold, Bold, Black) plus matching italics. The fonts offer wide language support for Western and East European languages, Vietnamese, Pinyin romanization of Chinese, and Navajo. A modern classic.


If you’re looking for a font to give your project a personal, hand-made touch, Beattingvile by Garisman Studio is worth checking out.

The multilingual script font features stylistic alternates, swashes, and ligatures and is perfect for all projects where you want to make a statement that is a bit bolder. Perfect for headings, branding, label design, logo type, quotes, and much more — both on screen and in print.

Disket Mono

Monospace fonts often have a technical feel to them, waking connotations of coding editors or typewriters. Disket Mono is a bit different. The font strikes a perfect balance between the inspiration it draws from geometry, grids, and architecture and using soft corners for a more tactile, personal feel.

Disket Mono comes in two weights (Regular and Bold) and supports twenty languages. A beautiful display font, designed by Mariano Diez.

Srbija Sans

Srbija Sans is a neo-grotesque sans-serif typeface with a geometric look. It gets by without any decorative details, but when you look more closely, you’ll notice how small design decisions improve readability and give the clear shapes a warm and natural touch.

The typeface includes 315 glyphs, supporting Latin and Cyrillic, and featuring accents and ligatures, mathematical symbols, and currencies. Srbija Sans was designed by Vedran Eraković and Studio Metaklinika for the National Tourism Organisation of Serbia.

The League Of Moveable Type

The League of Moveable Type opened its doors back in 2009 when designers were just gaining the ability to put custom fonts on the web. The project’s mission has stayed the same since day one: to raise the design standards of the web.

Micah Rich, maintainer of the foundry, cares deeply about good typography and empowering everyone with great design skills. That’s why the catalogue only features carefully-picked open-source fonts — 17 at the moment. You can use them for free however and wherever you want.

Google Fonts

It’s certainly not an insider’s tip but always a great place to look for free fonts: Google Fonts. The library features more than 1,400 open-source font families for more than 135 languages, plus icons for common actions and items.

By the way, if you want to dive deeper into the principles of typography or delve into all of the artistic and technical aspects of modern typesetting and font technology, the Google Fonts Knowledge library is a treasure chest of typography wisdom.

Wrapping Up

Do you have a favorite free font that isn’t listed in the post? Let us know in the comments below. We’d love to hear about it!

Quick Tip: How To Disable Autocomplete on Form Inputs

Autocomplete is a feature that can save users’ time by suggesting previously entered information when filling out forms. Although it can be a helpful feature, sometimes it can be a privacy concern, especially when users share devices or work on public computers. In this case, users may want to disable the autocomplete feature for specific input fields or forms. In this article, we will discuss how to disable autocomplete for input elements.

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The autocomplete attribute

The autocomplete attribute is used to control this feature. This attribute can be applied to different form elements, including input tags. It takes two values: “on” and “off.” By default, the browser sets the value to “on” for input tags. When set to “off,” the browser will not suggest previously entered values for that particular input field.

Disabling autocomplete for a specific input field

To disable auto-complete for a specific input field, you can use the following code:

<input type="text" name="username" autocomplete="off">

In the above code, we have added the autocomplete attribute to an input tag and set its value to “off.” This will disable it for that particular input field. You can apply this attribute to other input tags as well, including password fields, email fields, and search fields.

Disabling autocomplete for a whole form

If you want to disable it for a whole form, you can add the attribute to the form element and set its value to “off.” The following code demonstrates this:

<form method="post" action="/submit-form" autocomplete="off">
  <input type="text" name="username">
  <input type="password" name="password">
  <input type="email" name="email">
  <button type="submit">Submit</button>

In the above code, we have added the autocomplete attribute to the form element and set its value to “off.” This will disable it for all the input fields within the form.

Best practices

When disabling autocomplete, it is essential to keep in mind that it can impact the user experience. Some users may appreciate the feature, as it can save time and make filling out forms easier. Therefore, it is recommended to disable it only when necessary, such as when the user is working on a public computer.

Another best practice is to use the attribute only for specific input fields, such as search fields or email fields, to provide a better user experience.