Cucumber.js Tutorial With Examples For Selenium JavaScript

The relevance of using a BDD framework such as Cucumber.js is often questioned by our fellow automation testers. Many feel that it is simply adding more work to their table. However, using a BDD framework has its own advantages, ones that can help you take your Selenium test automation a long way. Not to sideline, these BDD frameworks help all of your stakeholders to easily interpret the logic behind your test automation script. Leveraging Cucumber.js for your Selenium JavaScript testing can help you specify an acceptance criterion that would be easy for any non-programmer to understand. It could also help you quickly evaluate the logic implied in your Selenium test automation suite without going through huge chunks of code.

With a given-when-then structure, Behaviour Driven Development frameworks like Cucumber.js have made tests much simpler to understand. To put this into context, let’s take a small scenario. You have to test an ATM if it is functioning well. We’ll write the conditions that given the account balance is $1,000 and the card is valid, and the machine contains enough money. When the account holder requests $200,  the cashpoint should dispense $200 and the account balance should be $800, and the card should be returned.
