How To Create a Failover Client Using the Hazelcast Viridian Serverless

Failover is an important feature of systems that rely on near-constant availability. In Hazelcast, a failover client automatically redirects its traffic to a secondary cluster when the client cannot connect to the primary cluster. Consider using a failover client with WAN replication as part of your disaster recovery strategy. In this tutorial, you’ll update the code in a Java client to automatically connect to a secondary, failover cluster if it cannot connect to its original, primary cluster. You’ll also run a simple test to make sure that your configuration is correct and then adjust it to include exception handling. You'll learn how to collect all the resources that you need to create a failover client for a primary and secondary cluster, create a failover client based on the sample Java client, test failover and add exception handling for operations.

Step 1: Set Up Clusters and Clients

Create two Viridian Serverless clusters that you’ll use as your primary and secondary clusters and then download and connect sample Java clients to them.
