Tribute to the Passing of Teradata Automation

On February 15, 2023, Teradata officially withdrew from China after 26 years. As a professional data company like Teradata, I feel so regretful about this. As an editor of WhaleOps, I am also a fan of Teradata, and keep an eye on the development of Teradata’s various product lines. When everyone is thinking about the future of the Teradata data warehouse, they ignore that Teradata actually has a magic weapon, that is, the data warehouse scheduling suite Teradata Automation that comes with the Teradata data warehouse.

The rapid development of Teradata in the world, especially in Greater China, is inseparable from the assistance of Teradata Automation. Today, we are here to remember the history of Teradata Automation and the prospect of the future. We also hope that DolphinScheduler and WhaleScheduler, which have paid tribute to Automation since their birth, can take over the mantle and continue to benefit the next generation of schedulers.
