The Power of Zero-Knowledge Proofs: Exploring the New ConsenSys zkEVM

It’s well-known that Ethereum needs support in order to scale. A variety of L2s (layer twos) have launched or are in development to improve Ethereum’s scalability. Among the most popular L2s are zero-knowledge-based rollups (also known as zk-rollups). Zk-rollups offer a solution that has both high scalability and minimal costs. In this article, we’ll define what zk-rollups are and review the latest in the market, the new ConsenSys zkEVM. 

This new zk-rollup—a fully EVM-equivalent L2 by ConsenSys— makes building with zero-knowledge proofs easier than ever. ConsenSys achieves this by allowing developers to port smart contracts easily, stay with the same toolset they already use, and bring users along with them smoothly—all while staying highly performant and cost-effective.
