Maven Troubleshooting, Unstable Builds, and Open-Source Infrastructure

Donald Knuth famously wrote that Premature Optimization is the root of all evil. I, for one, believe that all evil comes from spuriously failing builds. Nothing steals my confidence in a project as quickly as unstable builds alternating between green and red for no reason. This is a story about unstable builds and troubleshooting. More importantly, this story is written to thank all contributors to basic software infrastructure — the infrastructure we all use and take for granted.

xkcd comic - Someday ImageMagick will finally break for good and we'll have a long period of scrambling as we try to reassemble civilization from the rubble.

Surprise in Logs

Upon logging into Azure Pipelines to review the logs of multiple failed builds, I mentally braced myself for a potentially arduous troubleshooting session. I suspected that a race condition was the culprit that caused non-deterministic outcomes. Therefore, I was surprised to discover the actual reasons for the recent build failures. They were all similar to this:
