How Does SAFe Differ From LeSS?

During a practice meeting at my organization, a team member mentioned taking a class on LeSS (Large-Scale Scrum). Many questions were asked as to how LeSS differed from SAFe. I volunteered to present a comparison in a later meeting. The larger Agile community might benefit from this information as well. The below article will attempt to answer the following questions:

  • What are the differences?  
  • Why do companies choose one over the other?
  • How do the roles differ?
  • How do the events differ?
  • How do the certifications?
  • What percentage of organizations use SAFe vs. LeSS?
  • Does the organizational structure differ?
  • What are the pros and cons of implementation?
  • What is the average cost and time of education?
  • What is the average time to fully implement?
  • When was SAFe vs. LeSS published?
  • Geographically, where is SAFe vs. LeSS being adopted?

What Are the Differences Between SAFe and LeSS Frameworks?  

SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework) and LeSS (Large-Scale Scrum) are both frameworks used for scaling Agile practices to large organizations, but they have different approaches and principles.
