A Simple Safety Net for Async EventHandlers

When we discuss async EventHandlers, the first thing that comes to mind for many of us is that it’s the only exception that we seem to allow for the dreaded async void setup. When I had written about this before, I was excited that I was exploring a solution that involved actually allowing the async void to exist (without wanting to pull the rest of my hair out). For me, this was much more about some clever tricks we can use to overcome async EventHandlers than it was to provide solutions for avoiding the problem entirely.

With that said, though, there was a lot of traction on the article, which I am very thankful for, and some folks expressed opinions that they’d rather solve async EventHandlers in a different way. I thought this was a great point, so I wanted to come up with an alternative approach that doesn’t fix async void, but it allows you to a-void it (see what I did there?) entirely while solving some of the challenges with async EventHandlers.
