How To Run a Docker Container on the Cloud: Top 5 CaaS Solutions

In the past few years, there has been a growing number of organizations and developers joining the Docker journey. Containerization simplifies the software development process because it eliminates dealing with dependencies and working with specific hardware. Nonetheless, the biggest advantage of using containers is down to the portability they offer. But, it can be quite confusing how to run a container on the cloud. You could certainly deploy these containers to servers on your cloud provider using Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). However, this approach will only take you back to the issue we mentioned previously, which is, you’d have to maintain these servers when there’s a better way to do that.

Table of Contents 

  • How To Run a Docker Container on the Cloud
    • Using a Container Registry
    • Using Container-as-a-Service
  • Why Should I Use CaaS?
  • What Are the Best CaaS Solutions?
    • AWS ECS
    • AWS Lambda
    • AWS App Runner
    • Azure Container Instances
    • Google Cloud Run
  • Conclusion