Mail Confirmation Order and Shopping Cart

Hi.. I would like to send an order confirmation email with the cart details. But it doesn't show the string in php, only html.
My script:

$to = '';
$subject = 'New Order';
$from = ''; 

$headers  = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";
$headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n";
 // Create email headers
$headers .= 'From: '.$from."\r\n".
    'Reply-To: '.$from."\r\n" .

$message = '<html><body>';
$message .= '<h1 style="color:#f40;">Thanks for Your Order</h1>';
$message .= '<p style="color:#080;font-size:18px;"> Your order  details:</p>';
$message .= '<?php echo $array_cart_name[$i]; ?>';      //NOT WORK  
$message .= '</body></html>';

mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);

Thanks for Your Order
Your order details:

<?php echo  $array_cart_name[$i]; ?>  This is Hidden

A solution is possible??

The Easiest and Quickest Way to Generate an OpenAPI Spec for an Existing Website

If you're working on a project that involves building an API for an existing website, you'll need an OpenAPI specification to describe the API. An OpenAPI spec is a document describing the endpoints, request and response parameters, authentication requirements, and other API details. It can be a time-consuming task to create an OpenAPI spec from scratch, but there are tools available that can help you generate one quickly and easily.

In this blog post, we'll show you how to generate an OpenAPI spec for an existing website using HTTP Archive (HAR) files, which are recordings of a web browser's interactions with a website.

Using Regular Expressions in Python: A Brief Guide

Regular expressions are effective tools for pattern matching and text processing. A regex, or regular expression, is a group of characters that forms a search pattern.

To determine whether a string contains a particular search pattern, use RegEx. They are supported by many programming languages, including Python, which provides a powerful and flexible regular expression engine that can handle a wide range of text-matching tasks. This article will provide a brief guide to using regular expressions in Python.

Common Challenges in Digital Experience Testing and How to Overcome Them

Testing your digital platforms as part of a digital experience program is a vital element of ensuring that your customers have a seamless and user-friendly experience as they interact with your digital platforms. Of course, as with any other aspect of the testing process, some challenges can arise, but this is to be expected.

It is our intention in this blog post to discuss some of the most commonly encountered challenges in the field of digital experience testing, including dealing with the complexity of digital platforms, ensuring cross-browser and cross-device compatibility, personalizing and localizing, performance and load tests, security testing, user experience testing, as well as the need for continuous testing. Moreover, we will provide you with strategies to overcome these challenges and ensure that your digital platforms provide your customers with the best experience possible. This article offers valuable insight and information to anyone involved in software development, quality assurance, or digital product management who will be navigating the complexities of digital experience testing, whether they are software engineers, quality assurance professionals, or digital product managers.

2023’s Best Image CDN Solutions for WordPress: Our Top 5 Picks

best image CDNIf you try searching for the best image CDN on the WordPress plugin directory, the results will probably leave you with even more questions than answers. What you’ll find as the top suggestions are image optimization plugins instead of CDNs for images. This can be pretty confusing. To clear up the confusion, we've put together the ultimate image CDN comparison guide for WordPress users.

How can this be more difficult for users ?

I just came in and had a topic to discuss with other programmers ... I remembered DaniWeb because in the past I have received very clever answers in questions that most don't know that exist at all. And I hope I also helped others as well. But how difficult could be to arrive to "community central" ? . I still don't know the answer I can't select a topic and see all related threads , only drop down with things that are not related , the only action I can do in DaniWeb as it is , is posting ... and I do ....

Java Module Benefits With Example

Java SE 9 introduced the Java module systems. It should not be confused with modules from maven or IntelliJ Idea etc. Java SE 9 module is a new feature directly supporting Java.

In this article, we will quickly introduce what the Java Module system does and how it benefits writing more secure and structured code.

SaaS Product Management Inside Out

With the SaaS market expected to be worth $195 billion US dollars in 2023, the demand for product managers is only set to grow. But why are product managers so instrumental to SaaS companies? How do they contribute to product success, and what does it take to excel in the product management space? 

What Is SaaS Product Management?

Software as a service (SaaS) product management is the end-to-end process of planning, developing, and scaling software products that are delivered to customers as a service over the internet rather than as a one-time purchase.

Chocolate, Waffles And Fries: Meet SmashingConf Antwerp 2023 🇧🇪

We’ve been passionate about design & UX for years. We’ve written about design systems and usability, inclusive design and product design, UX research and enterprise UX. And now it’s time to bring it all together. In-person. In a new location. With a new spirit of curiosity and community. And it’s happening this October.

Roll up your sleeves and meet SmashingConf Antwerp 🇧🇪, our shiny new conference for designers & UI engineers who love design, UX and the web. On design systems, usability, product design, accessibility and complex UIs. 1 track, 2 days, 4 full-day-workshops, mysteries and friendly networking. A bright new gem in the heart of Belgium — the land of incredible chocolate, waffles and truly Belgian fries! 🍫 🧇 🍟 🍺

In-Person + Online

€ 499.00 Get your ticket!

Oct 9–11, 2023. Bourla, Antwerp.
Save up to 25% with Smashing Membership.


€ 200.00
Live talks + Behind the scenes

With all video recordings, of course.
Save up to 25% with Smashing Membership.

Ah, perhaps your manager needs a little bit convincing? We’ve got your back! Download the Convince Your Boss PDF to tip the scales in your favor. And we’ve prepared a “letter to the boss” template for you as well. Good luck! 🤞🤞🏼🤞🏾

What Should You Expect?

SmashingConfs have always been about how we work, how we fail and how we succeed. We kindly encourage speakers to share lessons learned and show how they work. Don’t be surprised by speakers sitting down and showing their design process, or setting up a Figma board and designing live with the audience. Check what SmashingConfs are like (+ video).

Don’t expect big picture talks or abstract concepts — Smashing Conferences are always honest, practical and passionate. Speakers are also very approachable and there is enough time for you to ask all your questions and get all the answers, in 1:1-conversations or in round tables.

But it’s also very friendly and inclusive. In fact, we know many attendees by names, and we love friendships emerging as people get together and learn together, during the talks and in the workshops. Plus, we design our side events to help everyone take part in meaningful, respectful conversations.

Everybody is welcome. Not everyone has to speak, but everyone has to feel heard.

We don’t choose venues randomly either. We love the contrast of beautiful historical venues and digital craftsmanship. So for Antwerp, we’ve chosen Bourla Schouwburg, an unforgettable neoclassical theatre in the heart of Antwerp, meticulously designed and built in 1820s and decorated with statues of Apollo and the nine muses (to get your creativity flowing!). The Bourla Theatre will be your home for both conference days.

Finally, we love a good mystery, and we love to have fun! This shows in plenty of side events, morning runs, mysterious riddles, design challenges and walking tours around the chocolate factory and waffle shops.

For Designers and UI Engineers

We’ve designed the conference for UX designers, product designers and interface designers, but it will have plenty of insights for UI engineers and jacks of all trades as well. If you want to boost your design and UX skills, you’ll be in the right place: with insightful talks and practical workshops.

All workshops are hands-on and practical, so you can apply your new skills immediately.

We’ll dive into:

  • design systems,
  • design patterns,
  • usability and UX research,
  • product design and workflow,
  • enterprise UX and complex UIs,
  • inclusive design and accessibility,
  • new design techniques (in Figma, Miro etc.),
  • sustainable and age-friendly design,
  • UX writing.

We will announce the first talks and workshops shortly. The speakers we’ve invited are not just knowledgeable and amongst the best in their fields. They are also excellent speakers and teachers, smart and kind friends, and wonderfully nice and approachable.

Team Tickets? 👫👭

Bring the entire team to SmashingConf, and save some of your training budget along the way as well. With our friendly bundle tickets and team discounts, we’ve got your back! If you want to come with a large team, or are interested in something special, please send us a short email and we’ll get back to you right away!

We Can’t Wait To See You!

As we are getting ready for the event, we couldn’t be more excited to meet you in Antwerp. Let’s boost our design and UX skills, together, and create memorable experiences that will last for a while. ❤️

In-Person + Online

€ 499.00 Get your ticket!

Oct 9–11, 2023. Bourla, Antwerp.
Save up to 25% with Smashing Membership.


€ 200.00
Live talks + Behind the scenes

With all video recordings, of course.
Save up to 25% with Smashing Membership.