C# Coding Convention: Coding Standard in C#

Coding conventions are a set of guidelines for writing code that is consistent, readable, and comprehensible. They are also sometimes called programming conventions, style guides, or coding standard. These conventions cover various aspects of the code, such as naming conventions, indentation, commenting, and formatting. By following these conventions, developers can quickly understand the structure and purpose of the code, which makes it easier to debug and maintain the code. Additionally, conventions ensure the code is consistent across a team or organization, which can improve collaboration and communication among developers.

The term “clean code” refers to a programming style that also prioritizes maintainability and scalability by following principles like clarity, simplicity, consistency, and modularity. Clean code is important for the main developers and other developers who will read and maintain it in the future. Writing it requires discipline and attention to detail, but the benefits are well worth the effort. It can improve the speed and efficiency of development, reduce bugs and errors, and make the codebase more scalable and maintainable.
