Cypress vs. Puppeteer: A Detailed Comparison

The availability of various tools in the market has often kept you thinking about which tool is appropriate for testing the web application. It is important to test the web application to ensure that it functions as per the user’s requirement and gives a high-end user experience. End-to-end testing is an approach that is designed to ensure the functionality of the applications by automating the browsers to run the scenario of particular actions made by end users.

To accomplish this, Cypress and Puppeteer have commonly used tools, and their detailed comparison is the main focus of the blog. The use of Cypress has increased in the recent year for web automation testing addressing issues faced by modern web applications. Now, Puppeteer is also widely accepted for web automation testing. This triggered debate on Cypress vs. Puppeteer. To have a piece of good information on the testing tools and Cypress vs. Puppeteer’s detailed comparison is crucial.
