Node.js for Backend Web Development in 2023

Are you looking to modernize your application's backend but need help choosing the right technology stack? If you want to update its look and feel and optimize its performance, JavaScript is a natural choice, but what JS framework to choose? Let's look at Node.js, as with it; you can build server-side parts, too.
Building a backend with Node.js is not a new practice, so you do not have to take the risk and be a pioneer. Instead, big players like PayPal, Netflix, and NASA have proven its effectiveness.
In this article, our experts will describe the benefits of using Node.js and answer whether node js is frontend or backend technology and which problems it solves. Ultimately, you will figure out whether this technology is a good fit for you.

What Is Node.js?

Let us start with the definition. Node.js is a server runtime environment for JavaScript. This technology allows engineers to use the same language for server and client development. In addition, its event-driven architecture supports asynchronous input and output, making it perfect for building FRP (Functional Reactive Programming) apps.
