Stacking Up on Security: Defender Pro Now Works with Patchstack

Defender Pro has just stepped up its security game by teaming with Patchstack – a powerful security tool that automates WordPress security on every one of your sites.

Defender Pro just started using Patchstack to get information about vulnerabilities in the WP core, plugins, and themes – ensuring solid protection for all your WordPress sites.

Having Patchstack with Defender Pro is for prevention when a new security threat is present on your WordPress site. Whether it be the WordPress core, plugins, or themes, Patchstack monitors them within Defender’s system!

Patchstack logo.
Patchstack and Defender Pro team up together to pack a punch on WordPress security.

This is a quick overview of what’s involved now that Defender has Patchstack onboard.

We’ll cover:

Let’s get started!

What is Patchstack?

Patchstack is focused on making open-source software safer, including WordPress. They actively research and report thousands of vulnerabilities discovered in WordPress plugins, core, and themes.

Their developers are notified when a vulnerability is located and issue a security update – where it’s promptly handled.

Patchstack statistic.
3rd party plugins can lead to security issues if not monitored. Source: Patchstack

Zero-day virtual patches are created and automatically applied to vulnerable websites connected to Patchstack (and Defender Pro).

For another perspective on how Patchstack works, check out this quick video:

So – how is Patchstack implemented with Defender Pro?

Implementing Patchstack

We’ll make this easy – there’s nothing to do! It’s already implemented and ready to go.

As a user, you won’t notice any differences, and there’s nothing that you need to set up to implement Patchstack except make sure Defender Pro is up-to-date. It’s all taken care of with Patchstack’s and WPMU DEV’s team of developers.

How Patchstack Works with Defender Pro

As mentioned, Defender Pro uses Patchstack to get information about vulnerabilities in WordPress core, plugins, and themes.

Since Patchstack is built-in to Defender Pro, again you won’t notice anything on your end. Patchstack works by finding known vulnerabilities – which is done with automated or manual scans in Defender.

Defender's scan in progress.
Defender running a scan – tracking any vulnerabilities.

Once a scan is run, any known vulnerabilities will appear on Defender’s dashboard. Or, if you have notifications set up, you’ll receive an email.

Vulnerabilities in Defender.
In this example, one vulnerability was found.

Click on the issue and get it resolved immediately. You’ll see exactly what the threat is and what is needed to fix it.

Issues in Defender.
In this example, an update is needed for Astra Pro Addon from Astra Pro theme.

That’s Patchstack in a nutshell: finding vulnerabilities before they become an issue. And as you can see, it’s all tied in with Defender Pro on one platform.

For further information about running security scans and more, be sure to check out our article on getting the most out of Defender.

Defender Pro Doesn’t Slack When Combined with Patchstack

With the exciting new inclusion of Patchstack, there’s no slacking with security! Defender Pro has you covered – everything from monitoring security details from The Hub, blocklist, two-factor authentication, malware detection – and much more.

If you don’t have Defender Pro, start a free trial today. It easily handles your automated WordPress security, includes 24/7/365 support, and even a full WAF integration.

Also, if you’re a plugin developer, join PatchStack’s mVDP program that makes it easier to report, manage, and address vulnerabilities in your software. Lastly, if you’re a security researcher, join Patchstack Alliance to report vulnerabilities and earn rewards.

Patchstack with Defender means nothing can stack up to your WordPress security.