Tutorial: Developing a Scala Application and Connecting It to ScyllaDB NoSQL


Mutants have emerged from the shadows and are wreaking havoc on the earth! Increased levels of malicious mutant behavior pose a threat to national security and the general public. Luckily, some mutants have teamed up with Government agencies to help protect people against the bad ones.

To better protect the citizens and understand more about the mutants, the Government enacted the Mutant Registration Act. As required by the act, each mutant must wear a small device that reports on their actions every second. Your mission, as a new member of Division 3, is to help the Government keep the Mutants under control by building a Mutant Monitoring System (MMS). The MMS will consist of a database that will contain a Mutant Catalog and Monitoring system. As the number of mutants is on the rise, Division 3 decided that we must use more applications to connect to the mutant catalog and decided to hire developers to create powerful applications that can monitor the mutants. 
