Distributed Caching on Cloud

Distributed caching is an important aspect of cloud-based applications, be it for on-premises, public, or hybrid cloud environments. It facilitates incremental scaling, allowing the cache to grow and incorporate the data growth. In this blog, we will explore distributed caching on the cloud and why it is useful for environments with high data volume and load. This blog will cover the following:

  • Traditional Caching Challenges
  • What is Distributed Caching
  • Benefits of Distributed Caching on cloud 
  • Recommended Distributed Caching Database Tools
  • Ways to Deploy Distributed Caching on Hybrid Cloud

Traditional Caching Challenges

Traditional caching servers are usually deployed with limited storage and CPU speed. Often these caching infrastructures reside in data centers that are on-premises. I am referring to a non-distributed caching server. Traditional distributed caching comes with numerous challenges:
