Change Data Capture With QuestDB and Debezium

Modern data architecture has largely shifted away from the ETL (Extract-Transform-Load) paradigm to the ELT (Extract-Load-Transform) paradigm where raw data is first loaded into a data lake before transformations are applied (e.g., aggregations, joins) for further analysis. Traditional ETL pipelines were hard to maintain and relatively inflexible with changing business needs. As new cloud technologies promised cheaper storage and better scalability, data pipelines could move away from pre-built extractions and batch uploads to a more streaming architecture.

Change data capture (CDC) fits nicely into this paradigm shift where changes to data from one source can be streamed to other destinations. As the name implies, CDC tracks changes in data (usually a database) and provides plugins to act on those changes. For event-driven architectures, CDC is especially useful as a consistent data delivery mechanism between service boundaries (e.g., Outbox Pattern). In a complex microservice environment, CDC helps to simplify data delivery logic by offloading the burden to the CDC systems.
