Trends Shaping “Post-Pandemic” Enterprise Integration – A Practitioner’s View

The pandemic has wired global enterprises to become thriftier and value-focused with a view to get their technological ecosystem more efficient, lean, and meaningful, which can cater to the larger strategic goal of being effective in addressing user and customer experience. Basically, the world has moved notches towards being an “Experience Economy” than a “Feature Driven Economy.” 

This movement is being felt in every stratum of an enterprise’s architecture, including the Integration layer. With more and more enterprises migrating their workloads to the cloud, not just one, but multiple of them, and with each of the cloud “ecosystems” having their own native integration solutions (Azure Integration Solutions, Amazon API Gateway, GCP Integration, SAP PI/PO, etc.), it becomes imperative for enterprises to not only utilize the native integrations for enhanced service efficiency but to also have an Enterprise Integration Platform(EiPaaS) in the center that can be the conduit for cross-ecosystem interoperability.
