please help this project almost due

hi, I have a Visual Basic program run the memory game. it basically will let the user click on 2 cards, and then they flip, if they're the same, they disappear, if not, they turn back. So my program will look like there are 3 pair of images under the cards, I already code the cards disappear when the user click on. but there is a problem, the hidden image will stay the same each match, so I have an idea that when the 2 cards cover the 2 same images disappear when we click on, the 2 images will disappear too, and of course if not, they turn back. This is the easiest way I can figure out to make the memory game and I don't know how to code to make this. please help this program worth half my score, and im learning in high school so I only use the basic statement like if, case, do while or do until, etc...And im using Visual Basic 2013 if it helps.