Integration Testing: Why Developers Heed Attention to It

Testing is an extremely important part of any software development process. It is an umbrella term used to refer to various stages involved in ensuring that a product performs adequately. One such stage of testing is integration testing. I and T is a term often used by software developers. It is an abbreviated form of the term integration and testing, also sometimes simply called string testing, thread testing, or integration testing. Software is made up of various modules; in this process of testing, a developer combines all the various modules of software and then tests them together. It is a vital part of any software development process because it helps understand not only how the different modules of software interact with each other but how smoothly they are able to work as a singular unit.

What Is Integration Testing; Its Purpose and Its Objectives?

If we had to understand what integration testing is clearly, an example of a pen would be perfect. A pen comprises three parts; its cap, its body, and its ink. All these parts are produced and manufactured separately. The quality check is also done individually for each part. However, a pen is not launched until all the parts are put together and tested as a single unit. How well a pen writes depends on how it performs when all the parts are put together and then tested as a whole. This is the process of integration testing in a nutshell.
