How to Secure Source Code and Protect It from Theft

Source code is one of the most valuable assets for any company. So if it gets stolen or leaked, this can result in colossal damages to your business. Source code theft can cause financial and reputational losses in the long term perspective. Even the giants in the industry are at risk, as the source code of Windows 2000 was stolen from Microsoft in 2004, and a recent data breach cost Capital One around $300 million. That's why securing your source code and protecting it from theft should be one of your top priorities. 

Why Is Securing Source Code Important?

Recently, attempts to compromise services, software, apps, and devices have risen as the rewards for hackers can be quite profitable. Source code includes a lot of valuable information since it plays a crucial role in creating and building software, application, extensions, web services, and so much more. Unfortunately, source code security doesn't get enough attention in many cases. 
