Web2 Was Built Using JavaScript, and Web3 Should Be Too

We have heard a lot about Web3 over the last few months, however, there is still an element of mystery as to what it is and how we can operate on it. The latest market downturn in the crypto industry has led to further scepticism among both users and developers but we must separate the infrastructure of Web3 from the volatility that can erupt from the crypto market. By focusing on building and improving the underlying foundation of Web3, we will begin to uncover the true potential of this technology. To do so, we first need to encourage more developers to take part in this new era of the web. JavaScript is the key to accomplishing this. 

 If we think about the inception of the internet as we know it, we were faced with the same scepticism then as we are now. However, with the help of developers who both believed in the technology and had the tools at hand to help craft our current online experience, we have seen the widespread adoption of Web2. But why stop there? Why not continue to grow alongside continuously expanding and emerging technologies
