Request Tracing in Spring Cloud Stream Data Pipelines With Kafka Binder

What Is Data Pipeline? 

A data pipeline is a process to transfer data from a single source/multiple sources to a destination via batch or stream process. In this process, raw data is filtered, cleaned, transformed, enriched, and feed to data lakes or data warehouses. In an enterprise, data is scattered to multiple systems in different formats; in those cases, data pipelines help to collect data from all the sources in the same format so that it’s appropriate for business intelligence and analytics.

What Is Request Tracing? 

In a distributed system, a request travels multiple services before completion. Services can be hosted in different network zones, different VMs, different cloud providers, or any combination of these. Triaging an issue in this environment is tedious and time-consuming to eliminate; request tracing is helpful. A unique id is minted at the origin of the request, and it will be carried forward to all the systems request travel; with this approach, using a unique id, we can trace the journey of the request. 
