How to Avoid Risks Before Implementing Industrial IoT Solutions

If you are wondering about the implementation of Enterprise IoT solutions, you understand that this process is rapidly developing all over the globe. Accoring to McKinsey Digital, 127 devices hooked up to the Internet for the first time every second in 2021, and in North America alone the worth of smart factories is expected to reach $500 billion in 2022.

This trend is not surprising, as EIoT implementation helps to achieve a level of worker safety that was unattainable before, as well as new business models, and, therefore, new revenue flows. Using IoT devices, you will be able to get more information about manufacturing processes, employee and client behavior, and data that will help predict breakdowns and prevent downtime of equipment. Sounds tempting? All these benefits are achievable, but they depend on the company's ability to correctly assess the risks of EIoT implementation.
