Commonly Occurring Errors in Microsoft Graph Integrations and How to Troubleshoot Them (Part 2)

Due to the switch from EWS to MS Graph, various companies have to adapt their digital products. In the first article, I have already covered a few issues you may face during such a transition to the Microsoft Graph REST API v1.0 with the MS Graph Java SDK. So, let's dive right into the following use cases. 

Read All Available Rooms and Room Lists of the Company (Getting Multiple Room Lists Is Not Possible)

In many companies, rooms can be booked automatically when an Outlook appointment is created. This is possible because all rooms are assigned to an email address by the administration. By adding the email address of the resource to the attendees of the event, a booking process is automatically triggered, which checks if the room is available or not. There is also the option to create room lists, which also have their own email address. For this reason, we can start the availability check for multiple rooms at the same time. For instance, a room list can stand for a building.
In case your business app has to get all rooms or room lists for a tenant. With the Microsoft Graph REST API v1.0, this can be done by using the Places API. The following example shows how to create a GET request in Java to read all rooms of a tenant (HTTP: GET /places/
