Use of AWS Step Function to Modernize Asynchronous Integration With Oracle ERP Cloud – A Case Study

AWS offers a handful of services for integration. Though AWS is not that way a full-fledged Integration Tool like the well-known ones in the market as Oracle Integration Cloud, Oracle Service Bus or MuleSoft, and many more, there can be potentially effective solutions implemented leveraging the existing service offerings in AWS. This case study is about the modernization of an existing integration in Oracle Integration Cloud by re-solutioning the same in AWS.


It can be an interesting question that why suddenly a Retail business would wish to migrate a live integration to AWS given the current one is already on the cloud (supposedly already taking advantage of the “pay as you use” flavor of Oracle Cloud). The potential reason is the business at the enterprise level, investing more on AWS, was eventually more inclined to have everything on the same cloud than subscribing to another just for the sake of integrations. Another reason was the lack of resources having the proper skills and expertise to support and debug the integration. Nevertheless, there has been a major shift of technical inclination of the businesses towards having things integrated using microservices on a Cloud rather than paying for a dedicated integration product. This case study is also not an exception.
