RabbitMQ Message Queue Using .NET Core 6 Web API

We are going to discuss the RabbitMQ Message Queue and its implementation using .NET Core 6 API as a message producer and the console application as a message consumer.


  • Introduction of RabbitMQ
  • Benefits of using RabbitMQ
  • Implementation of RabbitMQ in .NET Core 6


  • Visual Studio 2022
  • Docker Desktop
  • .NET Core 6 SDK

Introduction to RabbitMQ

  • RabbitMQ acts as a middleware while using multiple microservices.
  • It is open-source message broker software, and is sometimes also called message-oriented middleware.
  • It is written in the Erlang programming language.
  • RabbitMQ is used to reduce the load and delivery time of our web applications when some of the resources have taken a lot of time to process data.

As you can see in the above diagram, there is one producer which sends a message to the RabbitMQ server and the server will store that message inside the queue in a FIFO manner.
