Experimenting With simplehtmldom


I get the feeling from this forum that simplehtmldom is old stuff.
Nevertheless, experimenting with it since a simple tutorial code depends on it.

Check this Xml SItemap Link Extractor


//$sitemap = 'https://www.rocktherankings.com/post-sitemap.xml';
//$sitemap = "https://www.rocktherankings.com/sitemap_index.xml"; //Has more xml files.

//Does not work. Shows blank page.
$sitemap = "https://bytenota.com/sitemap.xml";

$html = new simple_html_dom();

foreach($html->find("loc") as $link)
    echo $link->innertext."<br>";

It manages to extract links of html files aswell as xml files from these 2 xml sitemaps:
$sitemap = 'https://www.rocktherankings.com/post-sitemap.xml'; Has no further Xml Sitemaps listed.
$sitemap = "https://www.rocktherankings.com/sitemap_index.xml"; //Lists more xml files.

So far, so good.
But why it fails to extract further xml sitemap links from this following particular xml sitemap ? That is the big issue!