Hello Quantum…👋…Goodbye Shared Hosting!

For the last 20 years, the dominant form of hosting has been shared. Something like 20-50 sites stuck on one dedicated server running WHM/cPanel and working out at between $3-5 per site, per month. Sounds like your setup? You’re not alone.

Every site shares the same IP address, every site is vulnerable to one of the other sites hogging all the resources, every site can be damaged by one hack, every site is in the same location.

We know this because we’ve surveyed our members at length and – even though nobody likes it – it’s hard to argue with that cost per site, especially when compared to standard managed WordPress hosting costs.

Well, that changes today. With Quantum.

Quantum: A Leap Ahead on Shared Hosting!

Quantum Hosting vs Shared Hosting
Quantum Hosting vs Shared Hosting

Every WPMU DEV Quantum plan comes with:

  • Dedicated and compartmentalized resources
  • Individual IP addresses
  • Choice of 5 worldwide locations: US East, US West, Netherlands, Germany, Singapore
  • 10GB storage & 500GB/m bandwidth
  • Uncapped visits, domain specific email
  • All pro WPMU DEV plugins
  • Optimized, cached, protected managed WP

For $4/m (or from $3.60/m if you pre-pay).

Yes, you read that right. That’s $4/m.

Not “in your first year”, “discounted” or “with a 24 month plan paid upfront”.

Just $4/m as a flat rate.

Oh, and if migrating 20 (or 100+ sites) sounds like a pain, then don’t stress it because we will migrate your sites for you, for free.

Exclusive to Agency

There are a few conditions that make Quantum able to be a thing.

First up, and perhaps most importantly, unlike the rest of our hosting offers, Quantum is exclusive to our Agency plan.

This excludes, for the first time, all our legacy memberships with the exception of lifetime members (which can only be earned, not bought).

This is both to thank our Agency level members and so that we can provide the same level of 24/7 expert support to this plan that we are committed to providing to every WPMU DEV member.

Find out more about our membership levels here and if you have any questions (or would like to talk about transitioning from a Legacy to an Agency plan) please contact our sales team, they’ll be happy to help.

To make Quantum lean and fast, we’ve also introduced these parameters:

  • While there are no limits on themes or theme builders, we have limited plugins to the top 40-50 most popular, with the exception of WooCommerce, as it’s just too resource heavy
  • Staging, Multisite and a range of hosting tools are not available with this plan, for the same reasons, find out more on the Quantum page.
  • Due to these limitations we cannot allow downgrades to Quantum.

We’ve put these in place to ensure that your experience using Quantum, and that of your clients, is out of this world good.

And, of course, if you do need more resources, tools or to remove all limits, you can do that by simply upgrading a Quantum plan to one of our Bronze hosting plans ($12/m or $10.80/m with pre-pay).

Give Quantum a Go

If you are already an Agency level WPMU DEV member you can spin up a site now and give it a go in your Hosting area.

Also, all Agency memberships come with $144 hosting credit per year, so your first 3 Quantum sites will actually be for free!

Hub Hosting Quantum
Agency member? Select Quantum and give your clients an in-credit-able hosting experience!

As with all of our products, it comes with a money-back guarantee, so if you don’t like it / it doesn’t meet your needs, then you can just cancel your plan and ask us for a refund.

We reckon you will like it though :)

If you are not an Agency member you can try it out for free now, with a 7 day free trial, and give Quantum a spin while you are at it.

Quantum Hosting Plan
Quantum hosting plan…engineered for WordPress and priced for resellers!

As above, if you don’t like it, just let us know and we will refund you any costs incurred.

But we really do think that you’ll actually want to stay!

We’re so excited to bring you a product that we think has the capacity to radically change how WordPress has been hosted for the better (and hey, even make the internet a better place as a result).

Any questions or comments please contact our sales team, we’re standing by and waiting to hear from you.