How to return Mongoose .find() documents?

I'm running a GraphQL-Node.js-Mongo Application. I need to return all the documents upon some conditions. But I'm confused with .find() method as it requires async and await, or a callback as it's parameter. Here my code...

    getChatsOfUserAboutProduct: {
        type: sampleChat, //it has been declared already
        args: {
            userID: { type: GraphQLString },
            pID: { type: GraphQLString }
        resolve(parent, args) {
        //The below MySQL query I can compare..!
        //SELECT * FROM chats WHERE productID='' AND (senderID='' OR recieverID='')
        return Chat.find({productID:args.pID,$or: [{senderID: args.userID },{receiverID: args.userID}]});
        //Chat is a pre-defined model (via Mongoose)

How to get the returned documents from .find() method of Mongoose?