Can This OOP Be Convert To Procedural Style ?

I am still at procedural style programming. And so, oop code samples confuse me.
I found this oop style. Any chance you can show me how to convert this to procedural style ?
Test the code. It woks fine!

// sitemap url or sitemap file
$sitemap = '';

// get sitemap content
$content = file_get_contents($sitemap);

// parse the sitemap content to object
$xml = simplexml_load_string($content);

// retrieve properties from the sitemap object
foreach ($xml->url as $urlElement) {
    // get properties
    $url = $urlElement->loc;
    $lastmod = $urlElement->lastmod;
    $changefreq = $urlElement->changefreq;
    $priority = $urlElement->priority;

    // print out the properties
    echo 'url: '. $url . '<br>';
    echo 'lastmod: '. $lastmod . '<br>';
    echo 'changefreq: '. $changefreq . '<br>';
    echo 'priority: '. $priority . '<br>';

    echo '<br>---<br>';